
Everything To Know About Sedation Dentistry

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Everything To Know About Sedation Dentistry

Many patients experience anxiety when visiting the dentist. For some, the anxiety is so great that they avoid dental treatment for years at a time until their oral health is in serious jeopardy. Sedation dentistry can help patients with significant anxiety get the treatment they need to maintain good oral health.

What Type of Sedation Dentistry is Right for You?

There are many ways that your dentist can help you achieve the ultimate in comfort during your next procedure, and sedation dentistry is one way in which your treatment can be made more comfortable. For patients who suffer from anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist's office, sedation dentistry can be an effective way to overcome those feelings and deliver a positive dental experience. Your dentist will be more than happy to discuss whether sedation is right for you. The major types of dental sedation include the following:

  • Oral sedation

Oral sedation is a prescription pill that you take before your appointment to help take the edge off. You may still feel some anxiety during treatment, but the oral sedative will help calm you down so that you can receive the care you need without worry. This form of sedation dentistry will put you in a restful state that leaves you feeling calm and content throughout your dental appointment. In fact, many patients do not remember their procedure afterward!

  • Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide – commonly known as "laughing gas" – is a common type of sedation that can be used to help you relax during your procedure. The gas is administered through a nasal mask and allows you to feel calm and relaxed throughout the time that you are in the dental chair. You may not even remember the treatment afterward! This sedative is often called laughing gas because of its euphoric effects. The calming effect of nitrous oxide is known to make even the most anxious patients feel calm and relaxed. Patients who undergo this treatment usually report little to no side effects afterward.

  • Intravenous sedation

Intravenous sedation involves administering medication intravenously and is often used in longer procedures such as root canals or wisdom teeth removal. IV sedation allows you to receive medication through your veins, which makes you feel incredibly relaxed and at ease throughout your procedure. With this type of sedation, you will need to have someone drive you home after the procedure is complete, as you will be unable to operate a vehicle safely until the effects have worn off.

  • General anesthesia 

General anesthesia can be used with children and those patients who need extensive work done in one appointment. With general anesthesia, you are completely unconscious throughout your dental procedure. This type of sedation is recommended only when absolutely necessary, and you will be monitored by an anesthesiologist all during the procedure. 

Who Can Benefit From Sedation Dentistry?

Patients who suffer from anxiety or fear during dental appointments, as well as those who have a low pain threshold and find it difficult to sit still for prolonged periods of time, can benefit from sedation dentistry treatments.

For a comfortable dental experience, please reach out to our dental practice in Manteca, CA, to have a consultation with our family dentist. Please call us at (209) 823-9218 or schedule an online consultation, and we'll guide you further.