
Restorative Dentistry: 5 Reasons to Replace a Missing Tooth ASAP

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Restorative Dentistry: 5 Reasons to Replace a Missing Tooth ASAP

A missing tooth does more than leave a gap in your smile; it directly impacts your oral health in more ways than one. If you’ve lost a tooth due to injury, decay, or infection, it’s important to consider tooth restoration options to fill the gap and restore functionality.

At Manteca Dental Care in Manteca, California, Dr. Rick Van Tran and our team provide several tooth restoration options, including dental crowns, partial or full dentures, and dental implants. In this blog, our team describes five important reasons to replace a missing tooth ASAP.

The problems of missing teeth

The leading causes of tooth loss in the United States are decay (cavities) and periodontal (gum) disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), by age 17, 7% of Americans have lost at least one permanent tooth because of decay.

Among the 35-44-year-old group, 69% have lost at least one permanent tooth. By age 50, half of the population has lost at least 12 teeth, including wisdom teeth. In adults 65-74, 26% have lost all their teeth. Clearly, we have a big problem with our oral health.

Teeth play many roles. They’re important for speaking, eating, shoring up your facial structure, and maintaining your quality of life. 

Studies show that edentulism (complete toothlessness) or impaired dental function renders people unable to eat certain foods and is associated with poor nutrition. 

People with edentulism eat fewer fruits and vegetables, and less fiber, vitamin C, and carotene. They also eat more unhealthy foods, including those containing high levels of cholesterol and saturated fats.

An unhealthy diet may lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, kidney disease, certain types of cancer, and even disability and death.

Individuals with complete tooth loss also have a lower quality of life than those with good oral health, including low self-esteem and poor emotional well-being. They may avoid social activities because they’re embarrassed to speak, smile, or eat in front of others, leading to isolation. 

5 reasons to replace a missing tooth

You don’t need to wait until you’ve lost all your teeth to do something about the problem. Each additional tooth loss only compounds the problem and can negatively impact your physical and emotional health. Here are five reasons you should replace a missing tooth ASAP.

1. Teeth shift

Even though your tooth roots are anchored in your jawbone, your bone itself is malleable, constantly replacing old cells with new ones. If there’s a gap between your teeth, your surrounding teeth will naturally gravitate toward the open space, altering and possibly misaligning your bite.

Filling the gap with a restoration prevents your nearby teeth from moving and keeps your bite properly aligned.

2. Bone needs stimulation

Your bone tissue relies on bite pressure from the teeth above to stimulate remodeling. If your tooth, including the root, is missing, the bone atrophies from lack of proper stimulation, weakening your jaw.

Of all the restoration options, only dental implants, where your dentist implants a titanium screw in your jaw, restore the stimulation your bone needs to survive.

3. Bacteria accumulate

A gap between your teeth is an invitation for bacteria to reside in the area, leading to plaque build-up below the gum line, irritation of the gum tissue, and gum disease. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. As gum disease spreads through your mouth, the weakened tissue leads to loosening — and potential loss — of other teeth.

4. Overall health is compromised

Tooth loss and periodontal disease can lead to a rampant infection in your mouth that can spread via your bloodstream to other parts of your body, causing problems like endocarditis, inflammation in the lining surrounding your heart.

Tooth loss can also affect your nutritional status. You need your front teeth to break off bites of food and your molars to grind up meat and other tough foods. A lack of teeth, therefore, affects how you chew everything. Failing to chew properly can impact your digestion, resulting in problems like acid reflux and depriving you of needed nutrients.

5. Facial features are affected

Your teeth support your facial structure. Gaps in your arch can lead to facial shortening, upper lip and chin protrusion, and sunken or hollowed cheeks that make you self-conscious.

Nothing about tooth loss is positive, but replacing missing teeth with a restoration can prevent many of the problems you encounter.

If you’d like to learn more about tooth loss or want to investigate restoration options, give Manteca Dental Care a call at 209-823-9218, or book an appointment online today.