
Warning Signs of a TMJ Disorder

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Warning Signs of a TMJ Disorder

Your jaw joints — temporomandibular joints (TMJs) — are two hinged joints, one on each side of your head. They connect both ends of your jaw with your skull and allow you to open and close your mouth to eat and speak. TMJ can also refer to the disorder that causes pain, stiffness, and other issues related to your jaw joints.

At Manteca Dental Care, Dr. Rick Van Tran and our team see many patients with TMJ issues at our Manteca, California, practice, and we encourage you to come in when your symptoms are in their early state and therefore more easily treated. What are the warning signs of a TMJ disorder? We’re glad you asked.

Causes of TMJ problems

Problems with your TMJ can result from any number of things. However, unless you’ve sustained a direct jaw injury, such as from a fall or a blow, the cause may not be easy to spot. In fact, TMJ issues can develop from multiple factors, including genetics, arthritis (inflammation of the joints), poor posture, and repetitive motions such as chewing gum.

By far the most common cause, though, is bruxism, the clenching and grinding of your teeth, either while awake or asleep. Up to one-third of adults clench or grind their teeth during the day (often due to stress) and more than 1 in 10 while asleep. The grinding causes excessive tooth wear and stresses your jaw joints, causing a painful, misaligned bite and other problems.

Warning signs of a TMJ disorder

There are a number of signs that indicate there’s a problem with one or both of your temporomandibular joints. The most common indicators include:

  • Pain and tenderness in one or both jaw joints
  • A clicking, popping, or grating sound when you move your jaw
  • Limited range of motion
  • Jaw joints that lock open or closed
  • Frequent pain in your temples, headaches, or migraine attacks
  • Difficulty speaking and chewing
  • Uneven tooth wear that can affect your bite

Two things to consider: You don’t need to experience these symptoms to have a TMJ disorder. And, if you don’t experience symptoms, there’s a good chance you won’t need treatment.

Diagnosing and treating a TMJ disorder

Dr. Tran can confirm if your TMJ symptoms stem from bruxism simply by examining your teeth. If your teeth — especially your molars — show signs of uneven wear, chips, or cracks, bruxism is the most likely culprit. In some cases, your dentist may need to restore any damaged teeth before addressing your other TMJ symptoms.

Dr, Tran can approach restoring proper function to your jaw in several ways, but what he ends up choosing depends on the nature and severity of your problem. In general, treatment usually works best when you combine in-office care with at-home care.

In-office treatment

The first step is to relieve whatever pain, stiffness, or muscle spasms you may have. Dr. Tran’s first recommendation is usually over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, but if they don’t work, he can prescribe something stronger. Another possibility is a steroid injection into the joint space to reduce inflammation, thereby dulling your pain.

Oral appliances are a tried-and-true treatment option as well. We custom-make occlusal splints (night guards), which fit perfectly over all your top or bottom teeth. A night guard acts as a barrier between your upper and lower arches, preventing you from clenching or grinding. The muscles around your joint relax, and your pain decreases.

There’s another appliance, called an anterior positioning appliance, that projects your lower jaw forward, relieving pressure on your joint muscles. You can wear it just while you sleep or 24 hours a day. A third option is an orthotic stabilization appliance, which moves your jaw into alignment and holds it there.

At-home care

You can boost the effectiveness of in-office treatment options by adopting some self-care tips:

  • Hold your teeth apart when you’re not eating
  • Eat soft foods
  • Apply ice and heat to your joints
  • Perform jaw stretches
  • Practice good posture

Surgery is rarely an option for TMJ problems, unless your jaw is dislocated or severely degenerated.

Are you experiencing any of the warning signs of a TMJ disorder? If so, it’s time to come into Manteca Dental Care for an evaluation and effective treatment. Give us a call at 209-823-9218, or book online today.